Peace monitors need to intervene following tensions in Unity State

The arrest of 24 soldiers of Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in opposition (SPLA-IO) on October 19 by the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces needs to be addressed.

The arrest of 24 soldiers of Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in opposition (SPLA-IO) on October 19 by the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces needs to be addressed.

It is such incidents that could trigger violence in the state which has recently been enjoying relative peace and security.

Maj.Gen Kerbino Yai Pazal, SPLA-IO sector two military spokesperson blames Gordon Koang Biel, the Commissioner   of Koch County for ordering the arrest of their soldiers.

He has called on peace monitors to intervene so that the situation is deescalated.

We have been here before and faced the consequences of similar acts such as this one.

The worrying thing is that this is happening at the time when these two forces should be operating under one unified command. 

The parties to the 2018 revitalized peace agreement need to dialogue to iron out differences in Unity state.

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