South Sudan's English Daily Newspaper
"We Dare where others fear"
The Jonglei state ministry of information is in the spotlight for having issued a controversial draconian order, compelling journalists to seek prior approval before any announcements or radio talk shows are aired.
The order is against the spirit of free speech and freedom of expression that are stipulated in the 2011 transitional constitution. It also infringes on the right of access to information Act.
The officials in the ministry of information in the state need to apologize to journalists and the country for acting narcissistic.
Nobody is above the law in this country because individual post-holders are not immune before the law. The media /journalists in Jonglei State have the right and power to seek redress in the courts of law if this draconian order is not revoked in good spirit.
Such orders that curtail and infringe on press freedom if successful could set bad precedent for other state governments.
South Sudan’s much vaunted transition toward democracy is not helped if such orders are enforced.
To understand the level of democracy and good governance in any country, the first indicator is press freedom.