Children Parliament calls on government to allocate independent budget for education

The children’s parliament made of pupils picked from various schools in Juba and the states plus three administrative areas on Thursday, called on the national government to establish independent budget to improve quality of learning.

By Papa Goch Biar Mawien

The children’s parliament made of pupils picked from various schools in Juba and the states plus three administrative areas on Thursday, called on the national government to establish independent budget to improve quality of learning.

“We need independent budget to be allocated for education only; our teachers need motivation in order for them to be able to educate the civil population in South Sudan,” said Nicodemus Garang Gaar , a student from Elite High School in Central Equatoria State.

He was speaking during child parliamentary session on factors affecting education excellence facilitated by Save the Children at it’s offices in Juba.

Garang also urged the government to provide equal opportunities to education for both girls and boys.

“There are donors supporting girls’ child education in South Sudan (GESS) and what of boys’ child education,” he wondered.

GESS is a program is implemented by the national ministry of general education and instruction which is funded by the United Kingdom government. It aims to increase girls’ enrolment in school to address the persistent school dropout particularly among girls in the country.

The deputy speaker for the children’ parliament and chief education representative in the parliament of South Sudan,  Agot Garang said access to education for most children in South Sudan remains a major problem that needs to be addressed by  the children parliament.

“We need to talk on the positive side the government has done when it comes to education, the government of South Sudan has endeavored to construct schools where children are able to access education and besides that they have endeavored to make education free in South Sudan,” said Garang.

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