Washington urges government to end deadly violence in Leer County

The Embassy of the United States in South Sudan on Wednesday called on the transitional government to act with urgency to end the violence in Leer County of Unity State.
Michael J. Adler, (Left) the U.S Ambassador to South Sudan meeting President Salva Kiir in Juba (File:Photo)

By Awan Achiek

The Embassy of the United States in South Sudan on Wednesday called on the transitional government to act with urgency to end the violence in Leer County of Unity State.

The U.S. Embassy in it’s statement issued in Juba, expressed concern over fighting in Leer County. 

“The Embassy of the United States is gravely concerned over recent reports of fighting in Leer County, Unity State.  We are particularly concerned about reports of casualties and displacement of civilians,” it said.

It also urged both parties to the conflict to commit in resolving their differences through peaceful dialogue.

Tension was reported in Leer County following the defection on October 6th of former Sudan People’s Liberation Army-in opposition Simon Maguek Gai Majak with some 200 soldiers to the South Sudan People’s Defense Forces (SSPDF).

Gai and his troops are alleged to have deployed in Leer County to fight the SPLA-IO forces stationed there.

“We call on the transitional government to act with urgency to end the violence.  All those in positions of authority and influence in South Sudan must commit to resolving differences through peaceful dialogue,” said the US. Embassy.

It also renewed calls for the transitional government to release the long-delayed findings of the investigation into the April 2022 violence in Leer County.

 “We recall the history of horrific human rights violations and extrajudicial killings in Unity State.  We renew our call on the transitional government to release the long-delayed findings of the investigation into the April 2022 violence in Leer County.  The perpetrators must be held accountable,” it said.

At least 6 soldiers including a Brig.General were killed on Tuesday, 28th November during conflict involving SPLA-IO splinter group and forces loyal to Dr. Riek Machar Teny.

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