Ending violence and discrimination against women and girls should not be lost

Various Civil society organizations together with partners from international NGOs and the United Nations family, are observing 16 Days of Activism on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in South Sudan.

South Sudan remains one of the countries where women and girls continue to be subjected to violence in the form of rape and brutality. These acts of violence and brutality against women and girls tend to be perpetrated during communal violence and violence between armed actors.

The transitional government has over the years been pledging to end these violations against women and girls, but unfortunately such violations have continued to happen.

It should be a collective responsibility of all South Sudanese supported by their government and it’s partners to restore respect and dignity for women and girls. For example, efforts should be channeled towards achieving gender equality at the political, economic and social spheres of life.

Equal opportunities should be availed to both males and females in the critical fields of education and health if we are to achieve a prosperous society for both males and females in this country.

In addition, efforts should also be directed toward strengthening governance and the rule of law to ensure that all men and women are equal before the law.

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