ICRC, SSRC to collaborate with media on humanitarian action

The International Committee Red Cross (ICRC) and South Sudan Red Cross promised to collaborate with media houses in all their humanitarian activities in the country.

By Benjamin Takpiny

The International Committee Red Cross (ICRC) and South Sudan Red Cross promised to collaborate with media houses in all their humanitarian activities in the country.

The ICRC head of delegation in South Sudan Florence Gillette, said that its very important to collaborate with media on the activities related to humanitarian action across the country, such that people are informed about what is happening.

She was speaking during the opening of a two-day workshop on Friday in Juba, which is being attended by ICRC senior staff and top managers of media houses in the country.

The workshop taking place at the ICRC head office will close on 12 December 2023.

 Gillette said that journalists have a role to play to ensure that the public understand the important roles and services provided by the ICRC and the South Sudan Red Cross in the country.

 “You have to check why people are in need of something that should be exceptional, which is humanitarian assistance, and this role of accountability is something that’s also helpful for ensuring a more sustainable humanitarian impact which is different than facilitating humanitarian actions by international organizations but really looking at humanitarian impact,” she said.

 .John Lobor, Secretary General of the South Sudan Red Cross said that journalists have a very critical and important role to play in highlighting the challenges and difficulties that people are going through, so that people of goodwill can be able to contribute resources to support the population.

“It’s important that you bring out stories that happen in our communities, we know that journalists mainly are mostly in urban areas probably  Juba, but outside there the presence of journalists is very limited, next year we’ll be out in politics, a lot of campaigns, elections and a lot of tensions. I think that will be an important role for you to play, as somebody has said, as an area where you see the path, not only when you have natural disasters, but when there are tensions so that the message is pass  around,” said Lobor.

He said that journalists can bring out good stories that are happening in the country, particularly those that are affecting their populations and also on how best humanitarian organizations can best be able to improve the livelihood of the communities that they serve.

“We are also aware of the restrictions, challenges, and difficulties that journalists are facing in this country, but sometimes I have also heard in the news that sometimes journalists are engaging with some of the people, and the authorities sometimes act as barriers for you to be able to do your work. I think that’s very important because once you engage with these kinds of people they are able to understand what you are supposed to bring out,” said Lobor.

He said that they  will cooperate and work together so that they can bring out stories that will highlight the challenges and difficulties that people are going through and how best to help them.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) organized the media workshop on Journalism and Humanitarian Action .

The first day started with information sessions on ICRC’s mission and mandate, the activities and priorities of the ICRC and the SSRC. The roundtable discussion in the afternoon on Friday offered participants the opportunity to exchange views on how journalism can support humanitarian actions.

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