South Sudan's English Daily Newspaper
"We Dare where others fear"
The 2024 national elections could either put South Sudan on the right path to transition toward political pluralism or regression into one party dictatorship.
It’s challenging post-conflict countries such as South Sudan to quickly transition to a multi-party political dispensation because of the existing conditions, especially the potential ethnic polarization, as it was noticed during the previous conflict.
Never the less the upcoming elections should help to steady the ship after years of political and economic crisis.
The elections provide the first stepping stone to building an inclusive political system that accommodates all grievances of disenchanted political actors.
Elections if conducted in transparent manner could dissuade some political actors to shun violence as a means for political competition.
South Sudan has been mired in localized violence because of lack of consensus on a political system that accommodates all sheds of people with grievances.
The elections if held will provide a fresh start to a new consensus that has potential to help transition the country from the cycle of violence it has been wobbled in since independence in 2011.