Union of journalists mourns fallen VOA journalist

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) on Friday regretted the sudden death of Charlton Doki Lonyong the coordinator and editor of the Voice of America’s South Sudan in Focus program.
Charlton Doki Lonyong, the deceased editor of Voice of America’s South Sudan in Focus program.

By Simon Deng

The Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) on Friday regretted the sudden death of Charlton Doki Lonyong the coordinator and editor of the Voice of America’s South Sudan in Focus program.

Doki passed away on Thursday in a motor crash at Munuki Bridge.

 “As a union, we have lost a dedicated professional journalist, an agile media mentor and a dependable family man,” said UJOSS in a statement issued in Juba.

UJOSS conveyed its deepest condolences to the family of the bereaved journalist, media fraternity, friends and the entire country.

Doki is a South Sudanese journalist from Kajokeji County of Central Equatoria State.

He joined the Voice of America in 2010 and was later on appointed coordinator and editor of Voice of America’s South Sudan in Focus Program in 2016.

Doki edited news scripts before sending them to Washington D.C where headquarter of Voice of America is based.

Alfred George Jame, the family representative said as relatives of the deceased they are heart-broken after learning of the passing on of their beloved son.

 “Charlton died shortly at Juba Teaching Hospital after an accident that involved two motorcycles on December 14, 2023. The accident happened at around 11 P.M at the roundabout located next to Equity Bank, Munuki branch,” said Jame. 

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