CES Governor forms committee to amend state constitution

The Governor of Central Equatoria State, Emmanuel Adil Anthony has formed a committee to review and amend the state’s transitional constitution 2012.
Governor of Central Equatoria State, Emmanuel Adil Anthony [Photo: GPU]

By Awan Achiek

The Governor of Central Equatoria State, Emmanuel Adil Anthony has formed a committee to review and amend the state’s transitional constitution 2012.

The 11-member committee has been tasked to review and amend the state transitional constitution 2012 as amended in conformity to the National Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan 2011 as amended and the Revitalized Agreement on Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan(R-ARCSS),” read the order issued by Adil in Juba on Thursday night.

The committee headed by Jacob Gore Samuel will consult with the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) and relevant stakeholders in the course of doing it’s proceedings.

It is also expected to complete its task within two months and promptly tender it’s work to the Office of the Governor.

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