Cleric hopes to motivate youth to pursue studies after obtaining doctorate

The Archbishop and Primate of Reformed Anglican Church of South Sudan, Gabriel Roric Jur, 65, is hoping to inspire and motivate more young South Sudanese to pursue further studies in higher education after he graduated with PhD in peace, development arts and humanitarian studies.
Gabriel Roric Jur

By Awan Achiek

The Archbishop and Primate of Reformed Anglican Church of South Sudan, Gabriel Roric Jur, 65, is hoping to inspire and motivate more young South Sudanese to pursue further studies in higher education after he graduated with PhD in peace, development arts and humanitarian studies.

The cleric was among the more than 4,000 students who graduated on 2nd December 2023 at the University of Juba.

“I want to give an example to our youth and others to take the world of knowledge and not the world of crime,” Dr. Roric told The Dawn in an interview on Thursday.

He said age should not prevent people from pursuing higher education.

Roric enrolled for a postgraduate course at the University of Juba in 2006 in which he obtained a higher diploma in peace and development studies which qualified him for a master’s degree in humanitarian conflict studies.

He received his master’s degree in 2016.

In 2019, Dr.Roric started his PhD studies which took him 4 years to complete.

He said his legacy can be an example to young people who are reluctant to join school and are resorting to crime to survive.

Roric said his proud to be in the exclusive club of PhD holders in South Sudan.

 “My children will see that this PhD will be useful because they will follow my line,” he said.

He disclosed that he will use the knowledge acquired to write books and also tell his life history.

“It doesn’t mean that when you have PhD you will go and work but I will be writing books. I have begun now writing books about my experience and my adventures and how I started, this will remain as my legacy,” said Roric.

Dr.Roric served in the Sudan army as military intelligence officer.

He joined enrolled for theology studies in 1980 at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut, Lebanon where he graduated in 1986.

Roric is the former Bishop of Rumbek and he also served for a decade as minister of foreign affairs in Sudan prior to the independence of South Sudan in 2011.

He is currently a member of the National Legislative Assembly in South Sudan.

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