Government releases 2023 Certificate of Primary Education Exams

The National Examination Council on Wednesday released the 2023 Certificate of Primary Examination results.

By Awan Achiek

The National Examination Council on Wednesday released the 2023 Certificate of Primary Examination results.

A total of 68, 281 candidates sat for the primary examination between 20th and 24th November 2023 out of which 37,841 were males and 30,440 were females.

Unity State beat other States with a score of 82.2 percent, followed by Jonglei with 77.2 percent and then Warrap with 77.0 per cent.

The overall performance of candidates who passed was 93.6 per cent, slightly lower by 0.7 per cent compared to 94.3 per cent in 2022.

Male candidates outperformed female candidates with 52.4 per cent compared to 41.2 per cent.

About 4,344 candidates of whom 2,028 were males and 2,316 females failed the exams.

Social Studies is the best-performed subject at a rate of 88.8 per cent, followed by Science with 80 per cent and Christian Religious with 77.4 per cent.

Mathematics and English Language are the worst performed subjects

JCC Model Primary School in Central Equatoria State was the best school followed by Emma Memorial Academy in Western Equatoria State respectively.

Joshua Swaka Selfader, a male student from JCC Model Primary School in Central Equatoria State emerged as the best student countrywide, scoring a total mark of 480, followed by Mading Abit Deng Abit, a male student of Salaam Nursery and Primary School in Central Equatoria State with a total mark of 479.

Ayak Deng Torijok Majak emerged as best-performing female student from Standard Primary School in Western Bahr el Ghazal State, scoring a total mark of 479, followed by Nyalong Kieu Gaak Thuch from Alel Chok Complex Primary School from Western Bahr el Ghazal State.

The results were announced by the minister of general education and instruction, Awut Deng Acuil at the end of the 18th ordinary meeting of the council held in Juba on Wednesday.

“The increase is attributed to interventions the Ministry of General Education, donors and development partners have put in place to bring and retain in the girl child by providing cash support and take-home food ration,” said Awut.

She advised members of public to obtain the official results from the schools where learners wrote their examination.

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