Funding for HIV/AIDS is critical as South Sudan faces huge humanitarian crisis

South Sudan is currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crisis in it’s nascent history.

South Sudan is currently facing one of the worst humanitarian crisis in it’s nascent history.

Thousands of people have entered into South Sudan after fleeing deadly fighting since April 2023 in neighboring Sudan. Prior to this latest influx, the country was already hosting over 2 million internally displaced people.

The latest funding for malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS from the Global Fund totaling 167 million U.S dollars over the next three years is timely.

This money is put to proper use will help the government mitigate, prevent and treat these three diseases.

Lakes state and Western Equatoria state have been cited as the states with the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate, but this is not only exclusive to these two states due to the influx of refugees and returnees over the years.

The funds should be managed properly to avoid sabotaging the response toward these three killer diseases.

Some government officials have the evil appetite of dipping their hands into donor money without minding of the consequences.

This money from the Global Fund is a test for the transitional unity government, as it will determine whether the government could be trusted with more money by the international donors.

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