Peace monitors implore government to create enabling environment for transitional justice

The Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) on Tuesday called on the government to create an enabling environment for the implementation of transitional justice and accountability mechanisms under Chapter 5 of the peace agreement.
Amb. Berhanu Kebede, RJMEC Chief of Staff.

By Awan Achiek

The Reconstituted Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (RJMEC) on Tuesday called on the government to create an enabling environment for the implementation of transitional justice and accountability mechanisms under Chapter 5 of the peace agreement.

Amb. Berhanu Kebede, RJMEC Chief of Staff stressed the need for a more conducive environment to undertake transitional justice, constitution-making and also elections.

“The three transitional justice mechanisms should have been established and fully operational by now. In addition, a more conducive environment to undertake transitional justice, constitution-making and elections is required,” Kebede said during a workshop to sensitize media on transitional justice in Juba.

Kebeda advised the government to expand and sustain freedom of the media and freedom of expression and association.

“However, as RJMEC has repeatedly indicated much more needs to be done given the dwindling timeline towards the end of the Transitional Period,” he said.

“RJMEC, therefore, reiterates its call to the RTGoNU to further open up political and civic space, hasten the passage of the CTRH and CRA Bills and mobilize funding to this Chapter of the Revitalized Peace Agreement and also support other critical Peace Agreement mechanisms,” Kebeda added.

He disclosed that several milestones regarding the implementation of the peace deal have been achieved such as the reconstitution of the National Constitutional Review Commission mandated to spearhead the drafting of the permanent constitution, the Political Parties Council mandated to register political parties and the National Elections Commission mandated to oversee the conduct of credible elections.

Kebeda said that the National Constitutional Amendment Committee (NCAC) has completed the drafting of over 20 Agreement related legislations.

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