CES Governor calls on regional countries to invest in South Sudan

The Governor of Central Equatoria State Emmanuel Adil Anthony on Friday assured the visiting media delegation from neighboring Uganda that the country is ready to attract prominent investors in the region and beyond.
Governor of Central Equatoria State Emmanuel Adil Anthony

By Simon Deng

The Governor of Central Equatoria State Emmanuel Adil Anthony on Friday assured the visiting media delegation from neighboring Uganda that the country is ready to attract prominent investors in the region and beyond.

“We have opened opportunities for local, regional and international investment, we need to improve our economy and we cannot improve our economy without economic integration,” said Adil while speaking to the Ugandan media delegation in Juba.

He said that South Sudan has in place attractive investment policies, adding that majority of Ugandan nationals are operating businesses in major markets in the State.

 “There is great potential in agriculture, energy and tourism and the rest of the world can come and invest in South Sudan. We want to make sure goods and services move not within South Sudan but in the region,” Adil said.

South Sudan is a member of East African trade bloc (EAC) which includes Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and new entrant Somalia.

Simon Juach Deng, the South Sudan Ambassador to Uganda said that the Juba is working to improve both people and political relationship within the region and the international community.

“The purpose of this mission is basically to tell our story in South Sudan, we need to tell our story in East Africa so that people –to- people relation and the political relation is cemented,” said Juach.

“We want to see if there is a way we can foster city –to- city relation because Uganda is hosting a big number of our people, Uganda is our second home and at the same time Ugandans living in South Sudan feel at home,” he added. 

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