Parties need to dialogue on pending peace tasks

The parties to the 2018 revitalized peace agreement need to urgently dialogue to iron out differences on the implementation of the remaining critical tasks within the peace agreement.

The parties to the 2018 revitalized peace agreement need to urgently dialogue to iron out differences on the implementation of the remaining critical tasks within the peace agreement.

We are having less than eight months to prepare for the upcoming general election scheduled for December 2024, and yet funds for the reconstituted Political Parties’ Council, National Elections Commission and National Constitutional Review Commission have not been released.

The government is also yet to kick off the constitutional –making process that will midwife the permanent constitution, whose provisions will guide the conduct of elections.

The other key pending tasks include judicial reforms to enhance the capacity and independence of judicial institutions, completion of phase 1 and phase 2 unification of forces, and the expansion of political and civic space to enhance public participation in the constitution and election processes.

The parties in the transitional government need to honestly dialogue to arrive at popular consensus for not only implementing the pending tasks but also the election timeline.

Time is quickly running out and yet every missed opportunity to reach consensus will come back to bite those who have deep thirst for power in this country.

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