Youth resource centers are fundamental in spreading awareness on many critical things

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Saturday opened two multi-purpose youth resource centers in both Magwi and Torit.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Saturday opened two multi-purpose youth resource centers in both Magwi and Torit.

Many youth in South Sudan are unemployed not because of lacking knowledge and skills but because of not being creative and innovative.

The youth also lack enough knowledge on global trending things. Therefore, the resource centers built with funding from the European Union will transform the livelihoods of youth in Eastern Equatoria State who have been clamoring for job opportunities.

The governments needs to liase with development partners to establish more resource centers across other States and Administrative Areas.

The saying that knowledge is power, is indeed true because ignorance and poverty of the mind have forced our youth to engage in harmful activities such as cattle raiding, revenge killings and also child abduction.

The unending communal violence in the countryside is partly driven by ignorance, lack of alternative employment and also poverty.

The solution lies in providing resource centers where youth can go and learn about many trending things, know each other and also collaborate among themselves to do many positive things in their local communities.

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