NAS should join the peace process instead of recruiting youth to wrack havoc

The ceasefire monitors on Thursday slammed the National Salvation Front (NAS) for undertaking massive recruitment in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State.

The ceasefire monitors on Thursday slammed the National Salvation Front (NAS) for undertaking massive recruitment in Yei River County of Central Equatoria State.

The armed opposition group led by renegade Gen. Thomas Cirilo Swaka has already refused to engage in peaceful process to address it’s grievances.

 The ongoing Nairobi peace process was the last opportunity for NAS to negotiate with the transitional unity government.

The leaders of NAS need to be pressured by CTSAMVM and RJMEC to renounce violence before the country holds it’s first general elections.

The upcoming general elections present a window for all aggrieved parties to test themselves at the ballot. Violence is never a solution to address grievances, and NAS needs to rethink it’s approach when it comes to engaging the government, violence no longer wins at the end of the day.

South Sudanese have been subjected to so much violence that they now in need of a fresh restart devoid of violence.

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