South Sudan Chiefs’ Council gets new head

The South Sudan Council of Chiefs on Sunday appointed Angui Deng Macham Angui as their new head.
Chiefs post for picture after electing Angui Deng Macham Angui as their new leader.

By Simon Deng

The South Sudan Council of Chiefs on Sunday appointed Angui Deng Macham Angui as their new head.

 Mr. Deng replaced his late father, Paramount chief, Deng Macham Angui who succumbed to illness on 1st May 2020 in Juba.

Garang Malong, a representative of Bahr el Ghazal region said they elected Angui Deng Macham to organize the body to prepare for elections slated for December 2024.

 “The program is about chiefs, since the late Deng Macham who was the head of chiefs died four years ago, we were disorganized, but today we have appointed Angui Deng Macham as the head of chiefs,” Malong told Dawn on Sunday.

Angui Deng Macham is a brother of Abuk Deng Macham was elected in October 2020 after a position vacuum following the death of the father, Paramount Chief Deng Macham Angui in May 2020.

Malong said Angui Deng Macham will now replace Abuk Deng Macham Angui who he said was elected without following due procedures.

Malong said Abuk was also removed due to her failure to write the council constitution for the last three years.

 “We want to organize a chiefs council ahead of the election, local chief is close to the public, we have appointed Angui Deng Macham as head of chiefs who will also contribute to the 2024 elections,” he said.

Peter Chut Cornelio Omot, member of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Chiefs League said they elected Angui Deng to put the house in order.

 “We come here together as chiefs, we have the new Sudan chiefs council and chiefs union of chiefs, as chiefs of south Sudan, we now have a new chief ,we wanted to speak in one voice ahead of elections,” said Omot.

John Makuach, a chief from Lou Nuer of Uror County of Jonglei State said Angui Deng Macham is a good leader who possesses the unique character of his late father.

“Late Deng Macham Angui was not a tribalist, we believe Angui Deng knows better how his father treats people and that is the reason so that he can organize the chief council,” said Makuach.

“We believe with Angui Deng, there will be no tribalism, we believe the chiefs will be better organized, we want Angui Deng to represent the chiefs in South Sudan, we want him to claim our rights from the government,” he said. 

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