SSNBS certification trade mark will boost quality and competitiveness of local products

The move by the South Sudan National Bureau of Standards (SSNBS) to introduce certification trademarks is commendable as it will protect not only consumers, but will boost the competitiveness of locally manufactured products at the regional and international markets.

South Sudan already has a small growing manufacturing sector, and the introduction of certification trademarks will motivate many South Sudanese to invest in manufacturing sector.

No country can development without growing it’s trade and industry sector, the best example is the current ongoing trade war between China and the United States of America.

Kenya and Uganda have had their fair share of trade wars especially over milk products, eggs and other agricultural products.

Therefore, the certification of locally manufactured products in South Sudan will also help enhance quality and standard products, because for countries to benefit from trade they must have competitive edge over others in the market.

South Sudan is endowed with a lot of resources in the agricultural and livestock sector, mining sector and forestry.

These sectors need to be developed to add value to the products, by doing so South Sudan would be able to play among the big boys in the region, and then onwards to the fiercely competitive international market.

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