Rumbek central prison overwhelmed with number of inmates

By Mayak Majak Madit Tokjok

Rumbek central prison is congested with over 600 inmates who cannot access proper health and sanitation.

This was revealed during the inspection of the facility on Wednesday by David Marial Gumke, the National Deputy Minister for Interior.

The inmates lack access to safe clean water and are at risk of catching infectious diseases due to lack of functional  latrines. The existing latrines are filled with sewer.

The only existing health clinic has often runs out of drugs.

Marial after witnessing the dire situation the inmates live in promised to lobby to the National Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs to help decongest Rumbek central prison.

The minister also told the leadership of the prison that he would work with them to introduce vocational training in carpentry and welding.

Rumbek central prison was established in 1948.

For his part, Meen Chol Maker the Lakes State minister for Parliamentary and legal affairs, said that they working hard with the judiciary to decongest the main prison in the State.

Maj. Gen William Marial Agok, the director for Lakes state prison services thanked the inmates for cooperating with prison warders by refraining from attempting to escape like their fellow inmates in other states.

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