South Sudan's English Daily Newspaper
"We Dare where others fear"

By Benjamin Takpiny
The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management Albino Akol Atak on Thursday met with Mary Ellen McGroarty, the World Food Programme (WFP) Country Director to discuss issues related to humanitarian calamities across the country.
The Minister briefed McGroarty on the flood preparedness and credible support the WPF received from the People and the governments of the United State of America and the Japan.
He said the donation will help in prioritizing the areas at high risk of the incoming heavy floods and school feeding programs.
For her part, McGroarty briefed the minister on the challenges faced by WFP such as inaccessible roads in some areas in Greater Pibor, Upper Nile and Warrap States.
Akol appreciated the briefing and disclosed that the humanitarian situation in the country is dire.
Akol recently conducted tour with the line ministers and DSRSG/RC/HC and other UN agencies to the areas at high risk of the anticipated floods and met with State flood task forces committees.