Parliament adopts report on benchmarking tour to Kenya

Natelina Amjima Malek, the Deputy Chair of the Information Committee speaks to journalists on Wednesday, 4 September 2024 (Photo by Awan Achiek)

By Awan Achiek

The Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) on Wednesday adopted a report of the committee of finance on benchmarking study tours to Kenya’s Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) and Office of Controller of budget.

Legislators made the tour to benchmark on Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) and Office of Controller of Budget to see how they prepare the national budget, allocate revenues to the counties and monitor budget implementation.

The delegation headed by Changkuoth Bichiock Reth, Chairperson of the Finance Committee undertook the benchmarking study to tour Kenya from 15 to 22 August.

The tour came amid the country’s challenges related to weak institutions to manage the resource which resulted in an economic crisis.

Susan Thomas Perembata, head of delegation and deputy chairperson of the Finance Committee said the objective of the benchmarking tour to Kenya was to develop formula and criteria of allocating revenue to states.

Thomas said it was also to find best ways on how the county government can effectively collect revenues and to address economic disparities between the counties.

She said the committee adopted best practice of how the Office of Controller of Budget oversees preparation, execution and implementation of the budget.

“All spending agencies, states, and counties must present their budgets concurrent with the timeline with the national budget in order to continue receiving fund transfers,” she said.

The committee report also outlined 12 recommendations which include tasking collection of revenue to South Sudan National Revenue, and need to oversee the management of revenues.

Natelina Amjima Malek, the Deputy Chair of the Information Committee said the report was adopted by the august house with all recommendation, observation and amendment.

“Presentation was report of the Standing Specialized Committee on Finance and Economic Planning on Benchmarking Study towards to Kenya, Commission on Revenue, allocate to the counties, states and Kenyan office of the Comptroller of Budgeting, august house 2024, by Heath of Delegation and Deputy Chair of the Standing Specialized Committee on Finance and Planning, Honourable Susan,” said Amjima.

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