The killings and mass displacement in Tambura require concrete actions not rhetoric

The long-running communal conflict in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State needs to end

The long-running communal conflict in Tambura County, Western Equatoria State needs to end.

The conflict that has pitied communities that previously live peace alongside one another is quiet baffling.

Hundreds of people have been killed and thousands displaced into UN temporary bases, and this happening amid worsening humanitarian crisis.

The people of Tambura deserve to have a peaceful festive season; they have never seen peace since 2021 when the conflict erupted.

Politicians from Western Equatoria State need to show face and work to resolve this carnage that seems to have no ending.

Civil society and the Catholic Church need to up the pressure on the local politicians and those at the national level to find peaceful settlement of the fighting.

As Tambura bleeds, there is risk of violence erupting between communities in Jonglei State and those in neighboring Greater Pibor Administrative Area especially during the current dry season.

A similar attack occurred in the past during the festive season, which left several civilians killed. The national government and local authorities, need to heed to the warning of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS).

UNMISS recently warned of reported mobilization of youth in Jonglei State with the aim of attacking and inflicting casualties in GPAA.

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