Poverty, illiteracy fuel unending Jonglei-Pibor conflict: Governor

The Governor of Jonglei state, Mahjoub Biel Turuk, has revealed that the decades old conflict between communities in his State and those in neighboring Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) is driven by high levels of poverty and illiteracy.
Mahjoub Biel Turuk, Governor of Jonglei state seen during press conference at Jonglei coordination office

By Simon Deng

The Governor of Jonglei state, Mahjoub Biel Turuk, has revealed that the decades old conflict between communities in his State and those in neighboring Greater Pibor Administrative Area (GPAA) is driven by high levels of poverty and illiteracy.

 “The main reason behind cattle raiding is the issue of poverty and the second issue is illiteracy. There are no schools, youth in Jonglei especially in the northern part raid cattle from Pibor and youth in Pibor raid cattle from Jonglei,” said Turuk on Thursday during press briefing at the Jonglei State Coordination Office in Juba.

Turuk disclosed the government of Jonglei state and the administration of GPAA are working closely to end the rampant cross -border cattle raiding in their region.

He noted that insecurity remains the major threat to peace in the two areas.

Turuk acknowledged that the conflict is often characterized in the form of abduction of children and women and revenge killings.

He emphasized that the opening of schools will discourage the next generation from engaging in communal violence, adding that Jonglei and Pibor are working to establish special court to try cases of abduction and cattle raiding.

 “We have an understanding but still the youth are not under our control, we encourage youth not to move to Pibor,” said Turuk.

He also disclosed that there are prison facilities across all the 9 counties of Jonglei State.

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