Category Opinions

The Economic Sustainability of Pastoralist Communities in South Sudan.

The economic viability of pastoralist communities in South Sudan is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention and viable solutions. These communities have a distinct way of life that centres around their livestock as they inhabit arid or semi-arid regions where crop farming is not feasible due to the lack of rainfall. However, the year 2023 proved to be an exception with continuous rainfall up to date.

On The Power of Mind

There is no doubt that the mind is the only power that each and every one of us possesses, and if it is utilized properly and up to the maximum, we can make major achievements in various areas, regardless of our race, ethnicity, gender, colour, religion, region, language or social background.

The Divinity of Deng and tragedy of Ngundeng’s spiritual emblem (däng): in whose interest does the experiences of our ancestors divide us?

Many things beckoned my attention in 2020 when I visited the UN Protection of Civilians (POC) sites around Juba, but the most compelling of which was uncommon tenderness which I received from a little girl named Nyaviva (Nya+Viva). This amazing child grasped my hand as friends and I were walking through the camp. I knelt down and did all I could to speak to her in my rustic Thoknaath, and after the introduction, I was taken aback by the fact that one of factors underlying her continues stay in the POC camp would come to bear her name.